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Precision irrigation for smarter farming



The world’s most intelligent and accurate irrigation scheduling solution.

GoField integrates in-field sensors, local weather data, crop growth stage and satellite imagery with powerful analytics to identify the optimum time for irrigation.  Not only do we monitor and manage this in real-time, but GoField provides an accurate 7-day forecast allowing our clients to proactively manage their water resources like never before.

GoField delivers powerful yet easy-to-understand insights so you can irrigate at just the right time. And the best bit? It can now be done more cost effectively than ever before with no lock-in contract and no hardware capital costs to you.

Ready to reduce the number of in-season irrigations this growing season?

GoField shown on computer monitor

Benefits You Can Expect

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Grow 10% more crop

By reducing stress induced yield loss or growing more hectares/acres from the same amount of water, our science-based approach ensures more crop per drop.  Independent research confirms up to 10% more crop.

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10% water savings

GoField delivers precise irrigation scheduling based on soil, plant, and weather conditions, which means we can often reduce the number of in-season irrigations. Our experience, backed by independent analysis, confirms an average water saving of >10%.

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10x return on investment

More crop from less water delivers increased profits.  Additionally, smarter irrigation scheduling leads to lower energy costs and better workforce efficiency. When fully implemented, we consistently deliver a return on investment of 10x.


How GoField works

GoField is an advanced irrigation scheduling solution designed to transform agriculture. It begins by compiling an extensive, field-specific dataset, tailored to your agricultural situation. This dataset serves as the foundation for understanding the dynamic conditions of your soil and the performance of your crops.

GoField then combines two critical sources of information: soil moisture probes and canopy temperature sensors. By integrating these insights, it offers a holistic perspective on crop conditions and the moisture content within the soil. This multifaceted approach is further enhanced through advanced modelling and analytics, which deliver key insights into evapotranspiration rates (Etc), crop growth stages, and growing degree calculations. The comprehensive set of data is then converted into an easy to understand seven-day irrigation scheduling calendar.

GoField is a powerful tool that empowers farmers with insights and data to transform their crop cultivation strategies, leading to more efficient and successful agricultural practices.

Computer monitor showing data based graphs

This is how your field data is displayed in our app. These easy to interpret graphs provide you with crucial information to help you make informed data-based decisions about your irrigation scheduling.


Goanna Ag solutions are available across 10 US States

To talk to one of our GoField experts to organize a no obligation consultation.


 “Profitable and sustainable cotton production is largely driven by my ability as a grower to enhance the way I manage my irrigation.

As a long term client of Goanna Ag, we rely on their information and insights to make critical irrigation decisions throughout the season.

They have proven themselves over many years and have become a trusted partner in our cotton growing operation.”

- Simon Corish, Australian Cotton Grower of the Year

Green cotton plant - close up (1824853649).jpg

Independently Verified

We know that there are all sorts of claims about the benefits of new technologies and sometimes the results don’t match the hype. That’s why we rely on independent research and assessment to validate our claims.

RTI International

North Carolina based global research group, RTI International, recently published “Prospective Analysis of WaterWise” (Petrusa et al, 2021) assessing the technology in our solution and concluded that the positive impact to growers through a combination of increased production and reduced expenses is in the vicinity of 12% WUE increase and 14% Gross Profit uplift.

Meanwhile, Cotton Inc, have set an industry goal for US cotton to reduce water use by 18% over the next 10 years, and much of that saving will be achieved by increasing the uptake of data backed irrigation scheduling.

In fact, referencing the research report “Sustainability trends and natural resource use in US cotton production” (Daystar, Barnes, Hake & Kurtz, 2017), they report that growers using sensor based irrigation achieve 100lbs per acre yield increase compared to those not using sensors.

Both these papers quantify the value of our approach and demonstrate return on investment well in excess of 10x.

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